Dec. 12, 2019 :: 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Ingrid DiPaula will join Daniel Karsevar for the PlantBased Solutions Fall 2019 Master Class Series session on Why You Need a Great Digital Marketing Strategy. Ingrid will interact live with participants and share strategies and tools with you to help you plan ahead for the growth of your plant-based product.
Guest for this session:

Ingrid DiPaula is the founder and CEO of DesignInk Digital a digital agency located in Boulder, Colorado. Digital Solutions specializes in getting startups and growing health and wellness businesses to make their digital mark. Ingrid started out as a free-lance graphic designer working with Fortune 100 companies and communications agencies focusing on … more about Ingrid
Video Link To Class:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID 132-097-055 When you login, share your name and your company name.
[toggle title=”Meeting Invitation (more detailed)”]Daniel Karsevar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Daniel Karsevar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Master Class for Startup: WEEK 7
Time: Dec 5, 2019 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topics which will be discussed LIVE with Ingrid DiPaula include:
- Types of marketing campaigns
- In-store, sampling, trade events, social media, influencer marketing, and digital campaigns
- Setting and tracking KPIs
- Estimating and measuring ROI
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Digital Presentation Deck (download PDF)
Advanced Prep Work:
Building blocks to growing your digital presence
Having these building blocks in place prior to advertising is critical:
- Review worksheets (forms)
Identify your market:
Identify your active customer touch points:
Digital Audit Request:
Post Session Work:
[popup header=”Digital Strategy Top 5 Take Aways” animate=”false” text=”Action Steps” color=”default” size=”default”]
Digital Strategies
Top 5 Take Aways: Action Steps
1. Google Analytics code – place on website
2. Avatars (your digital customer persona) CREATE 3 unique avatars
3. The moment you enter the digital space BE ON BRAND. Update/Create your LinkedIn profile
4. Maintain a single focus related to your avatar. Stay on laser target with the Pain Point of your digital customer. NOT what you think, NOT what your investors think what it truly is.
5. Be agile. Be open to testing, evaluating, be ready to respond to new platforms, strategies and opportunities.
Top 5 Take Aways-Action Steps (download PDF)
Dedicate some time to create your 3 Avatars – be specific, don’t generalize. Remember you can modify later.
Want to setup a time to meet with Ingrid and her team to set up next steps and review where you are?